Hi, I'm Benjamin Egger, a researcher and curator focusing on post-digital and queer art. Wanna get in touch? Easy!
Benjamin Egger


Get an impression of my last exhibition projects via my portfolio.

Find my anthology Transdisziplinäre Begegnungen zwischen postdigitaler Kunst und Kultureller Bildung which I have co-edited with Judith Ackermann here.
Cover Transdisziplinäre Begegnungen


Benjamin Egger (M.A.) is a researcher at the dpi lab (digital participation and inclusion lab) at University of Applied Sciences Potsdam since 2017. After completing his Bachelor's degree in Theatre Studies and Spanish Philology, he graduated with a Master's degree in European Media Studies at the University of Potsdam and University of Applied Sciences Potsdam in 2017 with a theoretical-artistic thesis on curating as a form of aesthetic thinking. He is a doctoral candidate at Leuphana University Lüneburg with an explorative-experimental thesis developing the concept of postdigital curating. He works as a curator, copywriter, and editor for galleries, radio stations as well as in advertising.


Safer Internet Day
Workshop and lecture at Landtag of Brandenburg, Potsdam, 07/02/2023

Postdigitale Gesellschaft im Wandel
Lecture at InnoPrax, University of Applied Sciences Potsdam, 26/10/2022

Postdigitale Theaterarbeit
Lecture and Workshop for Schauburg Theatre, Munich, 11/10/2022

Digitale Welten, beleuchtete Bühnen und vernetzte Objekte: Wie gestalten wir das gemeinschaftliches Erleben
Panel discussion on collaborative experiences in the digital, hosted by Ernst Busch Academy of Dramatic Arts, online, 19/02/2022

#theatreLAB: Digitale Herbstakademie
Keynote speech for Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Spiel & Theater e.V., online, 13/12/2021

Digitalisierung in der Kulturellen Bildung – Wissenschaft und Praxis im Dialog
Workshop on post-digitality in cultural education with media educator Katja Bröckl-Bergner for Landesvereinigung Kulturelle Bildung Bayern e.V., online, 30/11/2021

Bildungsforschungstagung 2021
Video contribution together with Judith Ackermann, Magdalena Kovarik, Sarah Wölker and Marian Dörk, online, 09–10/03/2021

Network meeting of the funding line »Forschung zur Digitalisierung in der Kulturellen Bildung«
Video contribution together with Magdalena Kovarik and Sarah Wölker, online, 18–20/06/2020

ASAP ('As Soon As Possible') – transferring the immediacy of the digital to culture
Panel discussion together with Nadja Buttendorf, Aram Bartholl and Yvonne Zindel, hosted by Q Berlin at James-Simon-Galerie, Berlin, 08/11/2019

museum4punkt0 ǀ impulse: Virtuelle Ausstellungen – Medium ohne eigene Identität?
Panel discussion hosted by museum4punkt0 at Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, 20/06/2019

Post-digital art practices in cultural education
Lecture together with Hanne Seitz at the conference »Optimize me! Kulturelle Bildung und Digitalisierung«, Wolfenbüttel, 04/05/19

How-to: Post-digital exhibition spaces
Lecture together with Hanne Seitz at the conference »Welche Forschung braucht die Kulturelle Bildung: Aktuelle Befunde, Diskurse und Praxisfelder«, Münster, 15/03/19

Dis-playing art: Appropriation spaces in post-digital exhibitions
Lecture together with Judith Ackermann and Magdalena Kovarik at the conference »The Art Museum in the Digital Age«, Belvedere Wien, 11/01/19

Presentation of project results
Networking meeting at Martin Gropius Bau, Berlin, 29/11/18

Dis-playing art: Creating empathetic feedback loops in digital exhibitions
Poster presentation at the conference »Exponat – Raum – Interaktion. Perspektiven für das Kuratieren digitaler Ausstellungen«, Gotha, 09/11/18

Algorithmically supported curating
Lecture at the »Nachwuchsforschungstag: Postdigitale Kunst und Medienkultur«, Institute for Art & Art Theory, University of Cologne, 07/07/18

Post-digital art practices in cultural education: aesthetic encounters between appropriation, production and education
Project presentation at the networking meeting of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research funding priority »Research on digitization in cultural education«, Nürnberg, 29/06/18

Post-Internet vs. Post-Digital
Introduction at the artist talk with Marisa Olson at Brandenburg Centre for Media Studies (ZEM), Potsdam, 02/05/18

Post-digital art practices in cultural education: Three punch lines
Lecture at the kick-off of the project PKKB (Postdigitale Kunstpraktiken in der Kulturellen Bildung), funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Berlin, 25/01/18


Safer Internet Day – Medienpädagogisches Arbeiten mit Jugendlichen
University of Applied Sciences Potsdam, winter semester 22/23

Queer lesen und queeres Lesen
University of Applied Sciences Potsdam, summer semester 22

Queer Media Studies
University of Applied Sciences Potsdam, winter semester 21/22

Remixing Sanssouci – Plant the Exhibition
Interdisciplinary project course on producing digital art remixes, conducted together with Magdalena Kovarik, University of Applied Sciences Potsdam, summer semester 19

Postdigitale Kreativität
Together with Judith Ackermann at the Department of Social and Educational Sciences, University of Applied Sciences Potsdam, summer semester 18

Medien und Lebenswelt
Conducted by Judith Ackermann. Teaching participation with an input on curatorial practices, joint project development and reflection on the results, Department of Social and Educational Sciences, University of Applied Sciences Potsdam, winter semester 17/18


Egger, Benjamin (2022): Interview. Envisioning Online as a Space for Art. The Floorplan.

Ackermann, Judith, & Egger, Benjamin (2021): Empathische Feedbackschleifen für ein postdigitales Theater. In J. Zellner, M. Lobbes, & J. Zipf (Hrsg.), Transformers: Digitalität, Inklusion, Nachhaltigkeit (120–123). Theater der Zeit.

Ackermann, Judith & Egger, Benjamin (2021): Transdisziplinäre Begegnungen zwischen postdigitaler Kunst und Kultureller Bildung. Perspektiven aus Wissenschaft, Kunst und Vermittlung. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

Ackermann, Judith, & Egger, Benjamin (2021): Postdigitale Kulturelle Bildung: zur Einführung. In J. Ackermann & B. Egger, Transdisziplinäre Begegnungen zwischen postdigitaler Kunst und Kultureller Bildung (1–14). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

Egger, Benjamin, Kovarik, Magdalena, Bernhard, Ann-Katrin & Maselli, Daniele (2021): un/natural surrogates. In J. Ackermann & B. Egger, Transdisziplinäre Begegnungen zwischen postdigitaler Kunst und Kultureller Bildung (83–112). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

Egger, Benjamin, Ackermann, Judith & Kovarik, Magdalena (2021): Postdigitale Kunst ausstellen und erfahren. Gestaltung empathischer Feedbackschleifen als Ordnungsmoment für hybride Ausstellungskontexte. In J. Ackermann & B. Egger, Transdisziplinäre Begegnungen zwischen postdigitaler Kunst und Kultureller Bildung (113–138). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

Egger, Benjamin & Ackermann, Judith (2020): Meta-curating: online exhibitions questioning curatorial practices in the postdigital age. In International Journal for Digital Art History, no. 5 (July) (3.18–3.35). (peer-reviewed).

Ackermann, Judith, Egger, Benjamin & Scharlach, Rebecca (2019): Programming the postdigital: Curation of appropriation resources in (collaborative) creative coding spaces. In Postdigit Sci Educ 2 (416–441).

Egger, Benjamin (2019): The next documenta should be curated by a machine. I tell you why it shouldn’t. Or how. In K. Klein & W. Noll: Postdigital Landscapes, Zeitschrift Kunst Medien Bildung. Zeitschrift Kunst Medien Bildung.


Solo exhibition by Sarah Berger as part of 48h Neukölln at Altes Finanzamt for which I developed the exhibition design together with the artist, 24/06–01/07/22

Art Consultant & Collection Management
for ]init[ AG, 08/21–07/22

queer AND BEYOND [choose category]
Group and store-front exhibition at feldfünf in Berlin, 10/04–01/05/21
Participating artists: Christoffer Horlitz, Hannah Neckel, Jeremy Bailey, Leandro Goddinho, Magdalena Kovarik, Patricia Detmering, Wet-Hard Agency, Sarah Wölker

Online exhibition, curated within the project PKKB, since 12/12/19. The exhibition has been a pavilion of the 4th edition of the wrong biennale.
Participating artists: Donna Conlon, Hannah Neckel, Jan Robert Leegte, Jocelyn Neumann, Judith Sönnicken, Kat Petroschkat, Kenny Löffler, Lele Schlaich, Leo Lehner, Mariana Reinhardt, Marisa Olson, Martyna Poznańska, Meike Boekholt, Mit Borrás, Molly Soda, NEEEU, Renee Klaßen

ES WIRD ZEIT. Ein-Sichten
Curatorial direction and catalogue design together with Sarah Berger at Vierte Welt Berlin, 03/07–05/07/15

Von Wegen. Eine intermediale Ausstellung über Karten, Blicke, Räume
Participation with an installation work within the Media Studies programm at University of Applied Sciences Potsdam, May 2014